1. JQM features

  • The only dedicated job queueing server
  • Open Source under the Apache 2 licence, a business-friendly licence securing your investments in JQM
  • No-cost ready to use solution. Paying support can if needed be purchased from the original authors at contact@enioka.com or at any other firm open to doing maintenance on the tool.
  • Fully documented

Full command line integration:

  • launch any command - be it a shell command or an executable with no need for a shell
  • use many environment variables provided by JQM
  • easily call JQM APIs with provided account and URL
  • store files for later retrieval by end users or admins
  • deal with parent/child relationship

Optional rich Java integration:

  • Runs existing Java 1.8 to 1.10 code, without need for programming specifically for JQM
  • Possible (but not required) to use a specific framework of your choice (Spring batch, etc.)
  • Possible (but not required) to easily tweak class loading to enable advance scenarios
  • Many samples for all features (inside JQM’s own integration tests)
  • Specific API to handle file creation and easy retrieval (a file can be created on any server and retrieved from another in a single call)
  • Embedded standard JNDI directory with JDBC connection pooling for jobs needing database connectivity
  • Jobs can be tested as if they were running inside a JQM node thanks to a test library which can be used in JUnit tests.
  • Can easily report an advancement status to users or administrators
  • All JQM artifacts (optional libraries developers may want to use in some cases) are published on Maven Central and therefore easily integrate with most build systems

Interacting with batch jobs is simple:

  • Query API enabling to easily create client applications (with two full samples included in the distribution), such as web pages listing all the jobs for given user, for a given module, etc.
  • Feature rich REST API with provided Java clients, which can be used out of the box for launching jobs, cancelling them, changing their priorities…

Java batch packaging: just use your own

  • Full Maven 3 support: as a Maven-created jar contains its pom.xml, JQM is able to retrieve all the dependencies, simplifying packaging libraries.
  • It is even possible to directly run Maven coordinates without providing any jar file!
  • More classic packaging also supported (library directory, or putting all libraries inside the jar)

Administration is a breathe:

  • Both command line and web-based graphic user interface for administration
  • Can run in Docker environments with provided images optimized for development usage as well as scale-out production scenarios (Swarm, Kubernetes…)
  • Can run as a Windows service or a Linux /etc/init.d script
  • Fully ready to run out of the box without complicated configuration
  • Supported on most OSes and databases
  • Log files can be accessed easily through a distributed web GUI
  • Easy definition of service classes (VIP jobs, standard jobs, …) through queues
  • Easy integration with schedulers and CLI
  • Most configuration changes are hot-applied, with little to no need for server restarts
  • Resists most environment failures (database failure, network failure, …)
  • Maintenance jobs are integrated
  • Can be fully monitored through JMX - which make it compatible with most monitoring systems out of the box (a Zabbix template is provided)
  • Authentication and permissions handling is fully in-box, including an optional PKI to create client certificates.