5.8. Using Spring

This gives a rundown on how to efficiently use Spring inside JQM. This can of course be an inspiration for other big “container” frameworks.

There are multiple possibilities, and this page shows how to use two of them. They are presented here in order of increasing complexity, which is also the order of decreasing recommendation.

5.8.1. By doing nothing special

It has been said before, by default launching a new job instance in a JQM server is like launching a new JVM: if a Spring job already works from the command line, it will work in JQM without adaptation.

There are different ways to create Spring programs, but they all boil down to: create a Spring context, load configuration inside the context, create the job bean from the context and launch it.

A most common example is by using Spring Boot, which hides most boilerplate code. The main method is simply:

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;

public class Application
    public static void main(String[] args)
        SpringApplication.run(MyJob.class, args);

And the job implements CommandLineRunner, which will automatically instantiate the bean and run it on context creation:

public class MyJobClass implements CommandLineRunner
    private MyService myServiceToInject;

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception
        System.out.println("Job is done!");

In terms of job definition, the Application class is the JQM entry point. JQM knows nothing about Spring, it is just another main method to run.


  • direct code reuse from CLI batch jobs
  • just another job definition - nothing special to do
  • free to initialize and configure Spring in any way: annotations, XML, packages to scan or ignore…


  • the Spring context is recreated on each launch, which is costly.

This is the recommended way of using Spring inside JQM, in the “keep it simple” philosophy.


a full working sample is included inside the JQM integration tests. It is named “jqm-test-spring-1”. (it also uses JPA with a JNDI resource handled by the JQM JNDI directory)

5.8.2. By having JQM set the context

In this option, there is only one Spring context for all job definitions using Spring. The jobs themselves (payload code) do no Spring context initialization - they just use Spring features (injection…) and do not care where they do come from.

This option is the direct equivalent of what happens inside a servlet container (Tomcat…) when using Spring: the context is actually initialized by a servlet initialization listener, and the application code just uses Spring, never creating a SpringContext itself.

JQM uses the same method, with an event handler. It also has a specialized runner which retrieves the job bean from the Spring context and runs it (it must implement Runnable).

Note that the following configuration assumes that you want to share the Spring context between different executions and potentially between different :def:`JobDef` to avoid initializing it on each run as it is often very costly. This means sharing the same class loader for all executions, which is not the JQM default. If this does not suit your needs, change the execution context <persistent>true</persistent> to false and the default JQM behaviour of having one different class loader per launch will be reinstated.

The payload can be defined like this:

package com.compagny.project;

public class MyJobClass implements Runnable
    private MyService myServiceToInject;

    @Resource(name = "runtimeParametersProvider")
    private ObjectFactory<Map<String, String>> parametersProvider;

    private JobManagerProvider jmp;

    public void run()
        System.out.println("Job " + jmp.getObject().jobInstanceID() + " is done!");

and there is no need for an encapsulation class like the Application class of the previous methods: JQM directly runs the job bean.

It is necessary to add the handler and runner to the execution context inside the deployment descriptor.:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <description>Does something</description>



The handler will intercept the “job instance is starting” event and initialize if needed an AnnotationConfigApplicationContext. All parameters are optional:

  • additionalScan: a set of base packages to scan for annotations. Example: com.compagny.project,com.compagny.otherpackage
  • beanNameGenerator: a fully qualified class implementing the BeanNameGenerator interface with a no-args constructor to use for creating the names of the beans
  • contextDisplayName: name of the context in the logs
  • contextId: id of the context bean
  • allowCircularReferences: if “true”, the context will allow circular references.

If no parameters are given, the job class (the first one to run) itself will be added to the Spring context, so if is a @Configuration it will be enabled.

The handler must be present in the job dependencies. In this case, it is provided with JQM, and the artifact is “com.enioka.jqm:jqm-runner-spring:${jqmversion}”


it is not possible to extend a Spring context after it has been initialized (“refreshed” in Spring-talk). So you must take care to put all your jobs inside the same class path so they are present during the initial scan. Basically, it means packaging all jobs in a single jar (or a single jar + set of libs). As this is the most common packaging method in the JQM ecosystem (since it is the simplest), and as the Spring world very often uses ûber-jars, this should not be seen as a huge limitation.

Note we have only selected a single runner, which is provided by JQM: com.enioka.jqm.runner.spring.Runner. Depending on your needs, you may want to add the other runners (if you do not launch only Spring jobs in the same execution context for example).

Finally you may have noted in the sample that we had a @Resource(name = “runtimeParametersProvider”) Map provider: the runner actually registers a named bean to allow access to the job instance parameters through the Spring APIs without needing any JQM dependency. This bean is scoped on the thread, so you’ll obviously get different values in different job instances even if they run at the same time in the same runtime context.

If you need the full engine API, inject a JobManagerProvider as in the sample. This is a factory/provider, not a direct injection because a Spring context creates all non-lazy beans during context creation - and obviously the different parameters of a job contained by the JobManager can be set after that. So the provider is just a means to force lazy initialization.


a full working sample is included inside the JQM integration tests. It is named “jqm-test-spring-2”. It’s deployment descriptor is named “xmlspring.xml”.

Changed in version 2.2.3: the runtimeParameters bean (a map, not a provider) was replaced by the runtimeParametersProvider bean as it required the calling class to use the JQM-specific thread scope. Old bean is still available but deprecated to preserve ascending compatibility and should not be used anymore.


if your code still uses the deprecated runtimeParameters bean, do take care to mark your bean as @Scope("thread") to avoid issues with mixing parameters from different execution requests.