6. Testing payloads

6.1. Unit testing

By unit testing, we mean here running a single payload inside a JUnit test or any other form of test (including a ‘main’ Java program) without needing a full JQM engine.

JQM provides a library named jqm-tst which allows tests that will run a single job instance in a stripped-down version of an embedded JQM engine requiring no configuration. The engine is destroyed immediately after the run.

An example taken from JQM owns unit tests:

public void testOne()
    JobInstance res = com.enioka.jqm.test.JqmTester.create("com.enioka.jqm.test.Payload1").addParameter("arg1", "testvalue").run();
    Assert.assertEquals(State.ENDED, res.getState());

Here, we just have to give the class of the payload, optionally parameters and that’s it. The result returned is from the client API.

Refer to JqmTester javadoc for further details, including how to specify JNDI resource if needed.

6.2. Integration tests

If you have to test interactions between jobs (for example, one job instance queueing another), it may be necessary to use a full JQM engine. This gives the basics on how to do it (there are no embedded way to do it yet).

6.2.1. Prepare package

Following the previous chapters, you should have:

  • a JAR file containing the payload (potentially with libs)
  • a descriptor XML file containing all the metadata

Morevoer, if you do not have a working engine at your disposal, please read Installation.

6.2.2. Copy files

Place the two files inside JQM_DIR/jobs/xxxxx where xxxxx is a directory of your choice. Please note that the name of this directory must be the same as the one inside the “filePath” tag from the XML.

If there are libraries to copy (pom.xml is not used), they must be placed inside a directory named “lib”: JQM_DIR/jobs/xxxxx/lib.

Example (with explicit libraries):



there is no need to restart the engine on any import, jar modification or whatever.

6.2.3. Import the metadata


this only has to be done the first time. Later, this is only necessary if the XML changes. Each time the XML is imported, it overwrites the previous values so it can also be done at will.

Open a command line (bash, powershell, ksh...) and run the following commands (adapt JQM_DIR and xxxx):

java -jar jqm.jar -importjobdef ./jobs/xxxxx/xxxx.xml

6.2.4. Run the payload

This part can be run as many times as needed. (adapt the job name, it is the “name” attribute from the XML)

java -jar jqm.jar -enqueue JOBNAME

The logs are inside JQM_ROOT/logs. The user may want to do “tail -f” (or “cat -Wait” in PowerShell) on these files during tests. There are two files per launch: one containing the standard output flow, the other with the standard error flow.