9.3. Release process

This is the procedure that should be followed for making an official JQM release.

9.3.1. Environment

The release environment must have:

  • PGP & the release private key
  • Access to a Sonar server with a correctly configured Maven settings.xml
  • The Selenium setup (see Testing) - this has been deprecated. It may come back later.
  • Internet access
  • Login & password to Sonatype OSSRH with permissions on com.enioka.jqm.
  • Login & password to Read the Docs with permissions on com.enioka.jqm.
  • Docker client 18.06+ and access to the multi-arch build environment.

9.3.2. Update release notes

Add a chapter to the release notes & commit the file.

9.3.3. Checkout

Check out the branch master with git.

9.3.4. Full build & tests

There is no distinction between tests & integration tests in JQM so this will run all tests.

mvn clean install

9.3.5. Sonar snapshot

This will create a new Sonar analysis.

mvn clean install -DskipTests -Psonar
    mvn test sonar:sonar -Psonar
mvn clean

9.3.6. Release test

The release plug-in is (inside the pom.xml) parametrized to use a local git repository, so as to allow mistakes. During that step, all packages are bumped in version number, even if they were not modified.

mvn release:prepare -Darguments='-DskipTests'
mvn package

Then the test package must be test-deployed in a two-node configuration.

9.3.7. Release

This will upload the packages to the OSSRH staging repository.:

mvn release:perform -Darguments='-DskipTests' OSSRH validation

Go to https://oss.sonatype.org/ and unstage (which means: close, then release the staged repository) the release. This will in time allow synchronization with Maven Central.

9.3.8. Git push

At this step, the release is done and the local git modifications can be pushed to the central git repository on GitHub.


when using GitHub for Windows, tags are not pushed during sync. Using the command line is compulsory.

git push origin --tags
git push origin

(push tags before code to help RTD synchronization)

9.3.9. Documentation

Go to jqm.rtfd.org and change the default branch to the newly created tag.

9.3.10. GitHub upload

Create a release inside GitHub and upload the zip and tar.gz produced by the jqm-engine project. Add a link to the release notes inside.


only do this after the documentation is up on ReadTheDocs. Creating a release sends a mail to followers, so any link to the doc would be dead otherwise.

9.3.11. Docker Hub upload

This updates the following tags:

  • release tag
  • major tag
  • latest is updated to this release
  • nightly is updated to the next upcoming version.

For maintenance releases of past majors, care must be taken to change the updated tags.

Changing version, run $jqmVer=”2.1.0”; $majorVer=$jqmVer.Split(‘.’)[0]; $newTag=”jqm-all-$jqmVer”; ./Update-AllBranches.ps1 -Push -Branches @{$jqmVer = $newTag; $majorVer = $newTag; “latest” = $newTag; “nightly” = “master”}

You also may rebuild older branches - this updates OS and middlewares.