3. Using resources

Most programs use some sort of resource - some read files, other write to a relational database, etc. In this document, we will refer to a “resource” as the description containing all the necessary data to use it (a file path, a database connection string + password, ...)

There are many approaches to define these resources (directly in the code, in a configuration file...) but they all have caveats (mostly: they are not easy to use in a multi environment context, where resource descriptions change from one environment to another). All these approaches can be used with JQM since JQM runs all JSE code. Yet, Java has standardized JNDI as a way to retrieve these resources, and JQM provides a limited JNDI directory implementation that can be used by the payloads.

JQM JNDI can be used for:

  • JDBC connections
  • JMS resources
  • Files
  • URLs
  • every ObjectFactory provided by the payloads


JNDI is actually part of JEE, not JSE, but it is so useful in the context of JQM use cases that it was implemented. The fact that it is present does not mean that JQM is a JEE container. Notably, there is no injection mechanism and JNDI resources have to be manualy looked up.


An object returned by a JNDI lookup (in JQM or elsewhere) is just a description. The JNDI system has not checked if the object existed, if all parameters are present, etc. It also means that it is the client’s respsonsbility to open files, database connections... and close them in the end.

The JNDI system is totally independent from the JQM API described in Accessing the JQM engine API. It is always present, whatever type your payload is and even if the jqm-api jar is not present.

3.1. JNDI resources

3.1.1. Using

This is vanilla JNDI inside the root JNDI context:

DataSource ds = (DataSource) NamingManager.getInitialContext(null).lookup("jdbc/superalias");

Please note the “null” for the context lookup: JQM only uses a root context. See below for details.

3.1.2. Defining

Resources are defined inside the JQM database, and are therefore accessible from all JQM nodes. By ‘resource’ JNDI means an object that can be created through a (provided) ObjectFactory. There are multiple factories provided with JQM, concerning databases, files & URLs which are detailed below. Moreover, the payload may provide whatever factories it needs, such as a JMS driver (example also below).

The main JNDI directory table is named JndiObjectResource and the object parameters belong to the table JndiObjectResourceParameter.

The following elements are needed for every resource, and are defined in the main table:

Name Description Example
name The JNDI alias - the string used to refer to the resource in the payload code jdbc/mydatasource
description a short string giving the admin every info he needs connection to main db
type the class name of the desired resource com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactory
factory the class name of the ObjectFactory able to create the desired resource com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactoryFactory
singleton see below false

For every resource type (and therefore, every ObjectFactory), there may be different parameters: connection strings, paths, ports, ... These parameters are to be put inside the table JndiObjectResourceParameter.

The JNDI alias is free to choose - even if conventions exist. Please note that JQM only provides a root context, and no subcontexts. Therefore, in all lookups, the given alias will searched ‘as provided’ (including case) inside the database. Singletons

One parameter is special: it is named “singleton”. Default is ‘false’. If ‘true’, the creation and caching of the resource is made by the engine itself in its own class context, and not inside the payload’s context (i.e. classloader). It is useful for the following reasons:

  • Many resources are actually to be shared between payloads, such as a connection pool
  • Very often, the payload will expect to be returned the same resource when making multiple JNDI lookups, not a different one on each call. Once again, one would expect to be returned the same connection pool on each call, and definitiely not to have a new pool created on each call!
  • Some resources are dangerous to create inside the payload’s context. As stated in Payload basics, loading a JDBC driver creates memory leaks (actually, classloader leaks). By delegating this to the engine, the issue disappears.

Singleton resources are created the first time they are looked up, and kept forever afterwards.

As singleton resources are created by the engine, the jar files containing resource & resource factory must be available to its classloader. For this reason, the jar files must be placed manually inside the $JQM_ROOT/ext directory (and they do not need to be placed inside the dependencies of the payload, even if it does not hurt to have them there). For a resource which provider is within the payload, being a singleton is impossible - the engine class context has no access to the payload class context.

By default, the $JQM_ROOT/ext directory contains the following providers, ready to be used as singleton resources:

  • the File provider and URl provider inside a single jar named jqm-provider
  • the JDBC pool, inside two jars (tomcat-jdbc and tomcat-juli)
  • the HSQLDB driver

Besides the HSQLDB driver, which can be removed if another database is used, the provided jars should never be removed. Jars added later (custom resources, other JDBC drivers, ...) can of course be removed.

3.2. Examples

3.2.1. JDBC

Connection pools to databases through JDBC is provided by an ObjectFactory embedded with JQM named tomcat-jdbc. Connection pools should always be singletons. Using

DataSource ds = (DataSource) NamingManager.getInitialContext(null).lookup("jdbc/superalias");

It could of interest to note that the JQM NamingManager is standard - it can be used from wherever is needed, such as a JPA provider configuration: in a persistence.xml, it is perfectly valid to use <non-jta-datasource>jdbc/superalias</non-jta-datasource>.

If all programs running inside a JQM cluster always use the same database, it is possible to define a JDBC alias as the “default connection” (cf. Parameters). It can then be retrieved directly through the getDefaultConnection method of the JQM API. (this is the only JNDI-related element that requires the API). Defining


the recommended naming pattern for JDBC aliases is jdbc/name

Classname Factory class name
javax.sql.DataSource org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory
Parameter name Value
maxActive max number of pooled connections
driverClassName class of the db JDBC driver
url database url (see db documentation)
singleton always true (since engine provider)
username database account name
password password for the database account

There are many options, detailed in the Tomcat JDBC documentation.

3.2.2. JMS

Connecting to a JMS broker to send or receive messages, such as ActiveMQ or MQSeries, requires first a QueueConnectionFactory, then a Queue object. The implementation of these interfaces changes with brokers, and are not provided by JQM - they must be provided with the payload or put inside ext. Using

import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
import javax.jms.Queue;
import javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory;
import javax.jms.Session;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;
import javax.naming.spi.NamingManager;
import com.enioka.jqm.api.JobBase;

public class SuperTestPayload extends JobBase
        public void start()
                int nb = 0;
                        // Get the QCF
                        Object o = NamingManager.getInitialContext(null).lookup("jms/qcf");
                        System.out.println("Received a " + o.getClass());

                        // Do as cast & see if no errors
                        QueueConnectionFactory qcf = (QueueConnectionFactory) o;

                        // Get the Queue
                        Object p = NamingManager.getInitialContext(null).lookup("jms/testqueue");
                        System.out.println("Received a " + p.getClass());
                        Queue q = (Queue) p;

                        // Now that we are sure that JNDI works, let's write a message
                        System.out.println("Opening connection & session to the broker");
                        Connection connection = qcf.createConnection();
                        Session session = connection.createSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

                        System.out.println("Creating producer");
                        MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(q);
                        TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("HOUBA HOP. SIGNED: MARSUPILAMI");

                        System.out.println("Sending message");
                        System.out.println("A message was sent to the broker");
                catch (Exception e)
} Defining


the recommended naming pattern for JMS aliases is jms/name

Exemple for MQ Series QueueConnectionFactory:

Classname Factory class name
com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactory com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactoryFactory
Parameter name Value
HOST broker host name
PORT mq broker listener port
CHAN name of the channel to connect to
QMGR name of the queue manager to connect to
TRAN always 1 (means CLIENT transmission)

Exemple for MQ Series Queue:

Classname Factory class name
com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueue com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueFactory
Parameter name Value
QU queue name

Exemple for ActiveMQ QueueConnexionFactory:

Classname Factory class name
org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory org.apache.activemq.jndi.JNDIReferenceFactory
Parameter name Value
brokerURL broker URL (see ActiveMQ site)

Exemple for ActiveMQ Queue:

Classname Factory class name
org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue org.apache.activemq.jndi.JNDIReferenceFactory
Parameter name Value
physicalName queue name

3.2.3. Files

Provided by the engine - these resources must therefore always be singletons. Using

File f = (File) NamingManager.getInitialContext(null).lookup("fs/superalias"); Defining


the recommended naming pattern for files is fs/name

Classname Factory class name
java.io.File.File com.enioka.jqm.jndi.FileFactory
Parameter name Value
PATH path that will be used to initialize the File object

3.2.4. URL

Provided by the engine - these resources must therefore always be singletons. Using

URL f = (URL) NamingManager.getInitialContext(null).lookup("url/testurl"); Defining


the recommended naming pattern for URL is url/name

Classname Factory class name
java.io.URL com.enioka.jqm.jndi.UrlFactory
Parameter name Value
URL url that will be used to initialize the URL object